November 05, 2008

Funny Baby

I might be taking the "having a child can be such fun" notion in a new direction here, but I've started clipping cartoons that sort of bust on parenting. Thus far I've found two amusing parenting-related comics to hang on the baby room door. One's a New Yorker cartoon by Drew Dernavich. It shows two parents cribside as they tell some visiting friends:
We've decided that it will be better for his later development if we speak to him only in legalese.
:) An amusing take on the absurd directions some people take while educating their children for the world, IMHO.

The other one I've taped on the door thus far makes me giggle everytime I read it. I just love the play on words in this Pardon My Planet comic by Vic Lee.

Fun stuff, eh? If you come across something funny that you think would make a good addition to the above, do send me a copy or an electronic link.

UPDATE 11/10

Speaking of baby showers, I've added a sampling of shower pics to my picture pages. Oddly enough, each shower at some point featured me wearing a towel on my head and me poised over a large, sweet, delicious cake. Just a coincidence? I'll let you be the judge.

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