September 30, 2008

Is that your final answer?

Thanks to Anne for suggesting this funny web app, which generates absurd garbled interview responses based on Sarah Palin's actual interview answers.

If you haven't caught either of the Saturday Night Live sketches featuring Tina Fey doing a dead-on parody of Palin, you are truly missing out. The first features Fey and Amy Poehler as Palin and Hillary Clinton. The second piece is Fey and Poehler as Palin and Katie Couric doing a CBS Evening News interview.

And lest you think SNL went too far in this last bit, you should know that much of Fey's dialogue consists of direct quotes from the actual interview.


Anonymous said...

will you retract your mocking when she does well tonight?! :)

Michelle said...

One person's mocking is another person's parody, I suppose. I thought the two amusements I mentioned were in good fun; all the more so because they are based in actual quotes.

As to my retraction, well, I can't say the debate changed my voting. I felt Biden gave clearer answers, had much more factual evidence to back claims, and did a decent job of answering charges (aka debating).

I thought Palin was fine, but still stumbled in many places. She's a naturally compelling speaker, but if you listen to her phrasing you realize she's saying very little that's substantive (and much that is easily refuted, which always bugs me in political speech). I also happen to disagree with many of her (and McCain's) positions, which is what matters most to me in voting. This is not to say I agree 100% with Obama/Biden, but they present positions that are a great deal closer to my idea of how executive branch needs to be run than the McCain/Palin camp does.

One example of something that frustrated me in Palin's replies last night was her definition of patriotic ("patriotic means the government is not always the solution"). I wholeheartedly agree that government is not always the solution, but what the $%^& does that have to do with patriotism? I realize she was countering campaign quote from Biden that paying taxes is somehow patriotic (another unnecessary association for "patriotism", IMHO). I don't like politicians explaining to me what patriotism is, especially when they are doing so for political gain. I really don't like it when they do so in a way that doesn't even make sense. My $0.02.