November 11, 2006


Stranger than Fiction is about a single IRS agent, Harold Crick, whose life takes a very strange turn one Wednesday when he suddenly develops a narrator. I liked the literary element to the movie (lots of allusions to literary devices). I liked the quiet thoughtfulness that pervades the entire story. I liked the bit of suspense about what would happen to Harold (his narrator is trying to find a way to kill him, the threat of which suddenly brings Harold more life than he's had in a while). I liked Emma Thompson and Will Ferrell and Dustin Hoffman (who plays a literature professor trying to help Harold discover the narrator). I especially liked the romantic angle to the story (Harold is nudged into action by his narrator, the same one who's trying to off him). I also really liked the modern visuals and sets, and the changing graphic overlays. Okay, yes, I have a few lingering questions about Harold's watch. I was hoping for a different ending (once you've seen the movie we can talk about my ideas and you can share yours). But when I add it all up I come to this conclusion: I enjoyed Stranger than Fiction much more than I expected to. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to watch this! Glad to hear it went over well!