October 26, 2006


We had a reception at school last night to honor Hersh Waxman, who left us this year to go to A&M. It was a lovely event, and very nice to get so many of the doctoral students together, all looking quite spiffy, I might add.

Joining me in this picture with Dr. Waxman are Donna, Jay, Becky, David, Brenda, Gregg, Allegra, Blanca, Kevin, Jeff, Liz, David, Deb, Peter, Khalilah, Carlos, Gloria, Robin, Lynette, Seth, Brent, Dai, and Karen. A few others from the 03, 04, and 05 cohorts missed the photo or couldn't join us that night but were with us in spirit as we thanked Dr. Waxman for all he has done for us. As our gift said, we will miss him. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your fancy pose! I also believe it's the 1st time I've ever seen Rainbow Brite smile! :)