October 04, 2006


It's sharing time. During sharing time we sit and listen and don't pass judgment and may or may not care about the contents, but we listen on anyway, because it's polite. This is all a long way of saying I have no point today, no rant deserving of the soapbox, and am divulging something of a guilty pleasure for which I would rather not get any grief about. :)

It's been a long semester already. Work and life have taken my mind off fun at various moments, and so when I have time for fun I actually want it to be, well, fun. Descriptive enough for ya? I've had more coherent days, it's true. The new television season has held little if any allure, and I've not seen a movie in ages. So the time I might otherwise have spent in one of those amusements has been focused on reading. As if reading articles and books and data sets is not enough to fatigue my eyes I have recently devoured an 850 page novel. And what is quite sad (or sadly tempting) is the fact that it is the first in a series, each of which is as long or longer than the first. I am referring to Diana Gabaldon's Outlander and its (thus far) five sequels. Apparently there are lots of devoted readers of these Scottish time-travel/romance/historical adventure books (women especially), so I don't feel alone at least. (It's nice to engage in solitary activities but not feel alone. Does that make me more social?) Today I found an alt.books.outlander discussion group and a site that sorts out the increasingly crazy timelines. And there is a fabulous page of Outlander humor, including toungue-in-cheek poetry and t-shirt sayings for characters. I feel so positively normal and mainstream.

In investigating this series I have learned a few things. There is a genre of literature known as bodice rippers (I do not know if Outlander applies, as it does not seem to be mysoginistic or extremely tawdry). Secondly, Scottish Highlander men and English women are a cliched romatic pairing (this definitely fits the Outlander series). See, my endeavors have not been without meaningful lessons.

Sharing complete.

UPDATE: What a difference a day makes. The first sequel is turning out to be a disappointment. Story's good but there are too many repetitions from first book, too many leaps, and (uh oh) too much bodice ripping. I might jump ahead to a later book that looked good upon perusal and let it catch me up. *sigh* I was having fun for a moment there....
UPDATE 2: The next book in series is good, very good. Though there are sizable passages which can be skimmed, there's enough to read that it makes for a satisfying escape.
UPDATE 3: Ditto the fourth book. I think what I like about the stories is that the characters are idealized yet events are realistic enough (read: good things don't always come to good people) to be compelling. Not that you asked. :)
UPDATE 4: Now David's read the first book and is plodding through book 2. Tee hee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I refuse to get sucked into another series of books!! Stop seducing me with your literary ways! Hee!

On the other hand, I am thankful to you for introducing me to the Shopaholic series--very light and fluffy reading--not at all a brain teaser...my kind of reading! :)