April 16, 2006


It's that time of year. Yes, some Christians are complaining that Easter has become too secular, coopted by candy and kitsch makers. I totally understand that Easter is a more significant Christian holiday than Christmas, plus I'm not a big fan of consumerism (not to mention that I'm not a Christian, per se). But I do enjoy the odd Cadbury egg (original, not the caramel version-blech) and oversized Reese's pb "egg". And I enjoy coloring eggs and putting out my trio of bunnies (aka The Bunny Brigade). At least the bunny giving out candy thing has some relation to spring and abundance. And I don't claim to be celebrating Easter, really, but Spring, so bunnies and candy in moderation works for me personally.

All this reminds me of abortion arguments. "Against Easter candy and kitsch? Then don't buy it." Okay, that is rather hard line of me. I know it's tough to instill a sense of piety in your child when friends and consumerist relatives inculcate expectations for stuff rather than substance on this, like many other, occasions. It's not just a problem with consumerized holy-days. And wow was that a strange juxtaposition or what? But I seriously digress...

Scandinavia takes the cake on head-scratchingly random Easter activities. Check out the Easter link below for more on that....

The Bunny Brigade and I send pleasant Passover and Easter greetings to our Judeo-Christian friends out there. Don't worry about us missing out though--we will enjoy some secular revelry of our own, fear not, for spring is afoot!

By the way, David, we got you a Yummy chocolate bunny (this is a test to see if he's reading along). The bunny's name is Yummy, thus making the act of eating him a bit easier. I mean, he's made to be eaten.

Oh dear, I just pictured those cows in Coalinga and felt my argument go out the window. They were made to be eaten too. sigh Time to go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Bunny Brigade?!?! Hee!