April 15, 2006


In California recently I saw several quotable bumper stickers. The first was an amusing reminder that irresponsible behavior is in the eye of the beholder, and there are some behaviors that really are reprehensible.
I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney
Than fish with Ted Kennedy.
The other bumper sticker was pointed in a different way:
When Jesus said "Love thy enemy"
I think he meant to not kill them.
I was checking the wording for the last one and came across this blogger's twisted variation:
When Allah said "Kill the infidels"
he meant you too.
Another instance of something being bad and funny at the same time.

Along with those bumper stickers, I was excited to see this United Church of Christ commercial. I thought it was a California thing (watch the ad and you'll understand why I might think that), but I saw it on Houston tv too. Wow, almost makes me want to join a UCC church.

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