October 13, 2005


Scanning the FM dial this morning I came across a pundit blasting some Bush-assigned effort to figure out ways to simplify tax code and energize the economy. Their solution, he said, was to propose taxing the rich. This solution was unacceptable to the pundit (whose political allegiances I never did discern). He was quite pointed in declaring the committee had failed in all of its missions. I wasn't quite clear on why he objected to taxing the rich as a proposed solution.

Anyway, it all reminded me of the movie Dave. I loved how the impostor president got his accountant friend to go over the budget and find extraneous expenses to eliminate. All it took was some favorite deli sandwiches and an all-nighter or two. Then, poof, the budget mess was figured out. Why can't we do that in real life?

Is the budget so convoluted that it is beyond deciphering by experts, or is it so filled with noxious junk that really analyzing it would open the government en masse to ridicule and undermine our entire way of life, or maybe it's all just too idealistic to contemplate. Why is taxing the rich so awful? Okay, I can imagine some problems with such an un-nuanced proposal. But I still fail to see why idealism is so awful.

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