July 21, 2005


As I was driving back from Houston this evening, I glimpsed a TCU sticker on a passing car and was reminded of a fabulous football game I attended in what seems like another lifetime. I was a grown adult at the time and still it seems a lifetime ago. Anyway, I got to reminiscing. Since the drive had another hour left, there was a lot of tape to play over in the head. I started forming a list, in no particular order, of cherished memories. I realized that a lot of them are from a decade or more ago. Odd, because I think I'm a much happier, more content person now than I was then. Maybe these moments stand out because they existed within a framework of insecurity and self loathing.

There are lots of things I remember that I am happy to have experienced and learned a great deal from, but not all were utterly satisfying in the moment. Sometimes I wish I could experience those things again; but just as Phil Connors discovered in Groundhog Day, you can't recreate a moment. It just happens. I feel fortunate to have been able not only to experience so many wonderful things but to have saved those memories as moments to be happy about, and to revel in. After all, at what other time can you really be happy other than right now?

1 comment:

Running2Ks said...

Groundhog Day would be an awesome life experiment for everyone, at some point.