March 20, 2012


In the immortal words of Bill the Cat, "Ack!!" It's been 10 months since I last published anything to my blog. Since you probably keep up with me on facebook (or, wonder of wonders, in person) you'll know this is not an indicator of my death or lack of things to comment on.

I am sorry to neglect my blog. I love writing, and I have loads of ideas. In fact, I've begun many, many posts. Today the arrival of a new phone book inspired me to begin (yet another) draft. It was a comparison of today's facebook stalking to what I used to do as a kid.
The arrival of each year's new phonebook (back when there was only one) brought on a frenzy, as I'd look up as many of my classmates' surnames as possible and locate them on a local map. Bike rides became tours, like a locals/youth-oriented version of Hollywood star maps. But the phonebook had so much more than addresses (and phone numbers, naturally). There was that big reference section, the page edges colored red (government agency pages were always blue). I recall when they greatly expanded that reference section to include maps of local sports venues, illustrated first aid instructions, etc--what a joyful development that was. Oh how I loved perusing an updated reference book.
Riveting, right? Yeah, well, that's all I've got. There's no point, no deep message. And so the "Publish" button is not pushed. But it will be. Soon.

There are some movie reviews I need to write (most recently I saw the 1970s throwback spy story Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and the lovely, gut wrenching The Descendants), a rather odd exercise/efficiency/sex/self help advice book to discuss (The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss), and several vacation spots to share (this one that's a thousand dollars a day of tranquil fantasy vacationing in the Maldives, and a long-contemplated return trip to the Italian region of Le Marche, the home of my paternal ancestry). News of Anthony Shadid's death was one of many sad stories in the last 10 months; I'd recommend listening to his 2011 interview on Fresh Air for an example of Shadid's thoughtful, engaged reporting style.

I can't believe I never posted a recap of my experience with the Seattle 3-Day for the Cure walk, which was 6 months ago, so that's certainly overdue as well. And speaking of Susan G. Komen, there's my dusty soapbox sitting in the corner, waiting to be brushed off. Let's see, I could work up a good rant about the wealth gap, public education funding and community priorities, and all this ridiculous political posturing over who pays for contraception (and what it means, as if it means anything other than women taking care of themselves). Then there's the ongoing crisis in Syria, which receives too little coverage in the US news (imho). Finally, let's not forget election season, which is always ripe for a passionate venting (though lately I've been trying to avoid election news, as it gives me chest pain to listen to debates and political talk shows).

Hmmm, all very interesting. Hopefully I get to one of these topics before another 10 months go by. Care to wait with me?

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