April 16, 2011

Easy on the Cops

I don't LOOK for these kinds of news stories. They just jump out at me...

I peruse the police blotter section of my local newspaper. Usually out of curiosity about types of crimes being committed, partly out of a sense of wanting to know if there's anything I might be cautious of in my own neighborhood, but mostly in search of amusingly benign reported incidents.

For the past two weeks, Atherton--a wealthy, privacy-guarding, no-sidewalks community 30 miles south of San Francisco--has delivered. Today came news of an early morning incident between a landlord and tenant which involved frozen food. No crime was reported, and no violence actually evidenced. But the police department participates in the crime blotter report, and they were called out for this incident, therefore it gets printed in the paper. The actual food was not specified, so we are left to ponder details. David guesses a leg of lamb was involved. I suppose we'll never know.

Last week's "crime" provides more fodder for the imagination.
12:19 am FRIDAY: A pedestrian was reported not to be doing anything strange other than wearing black pants and a white dress shirt while walking at an odd hour.
Kinda makes me feel bad for the Atherton police that this is what their honored profession works out to. On the other hand, it sure beats being shot at.

1 comment:

tequilarista said...

I sort of have the same thing going up here, except with all the strange West Marin types there's usually some real gems of failed attempts at crime that make you want to pat the perpetrator on the hand and say "maybe if you tried harder..."

Oh, and I think the (incredibly affluent and beyond white) town of Ross just hired a new police chief. New chief is black, and has therefore just quintupled the diversity index of the local area...