- Okay, this is not a new one, and I'm not sure why it's bugging me so right now, except that I continue to hear and see evidence that there are a lot of people who watch or at least lend credence to the need for and value of of 24-hour news. In fact, I think nothing could be further from the truth. I'm sick of the news networks'--especially Fox News channel's--irresponsible fear mongering and non-existent fact checking. I hate the stupid teasers that local, national and 24-hour news programs use to activate viewers' imaginations in negative ways, especially when the actual story is more often than not completely harmless or relevant for such a small portion of the population as to be irrelevant as a mass communication. Why?! What earthly purpose could be served by luring viewers into false impressions, scaring them, or decontextualizing and oversimplifying things to the point of making the information valueless?
- I think the greediness of media executives has completely blinded them to the value of using communications and entertainment power for good not evil, and thus they act in ways that make themselves wealthier in dollars, and poorer in spirit. how's the saying go, money is the root of all evil? There's much truth in that.
- I'm also a bit peeved about rampant short-term thinking, mindless consumerism, ignorance, and gullibility (and the systems that essentially maintain these aspects of society). These are ongoing frustrations, probably hard wired in me by this point, and only on occasion do they make me want to give all my belongings away and remove myself and family from society.
- I know this may seem ironic coming from a blog entitled "It's all about ME", but I am so *%&#ing sick of rampant self-centeredness. Every day I observe people thinking they are the exception to the rule. It's a normal facet of human behavior that has become a dominant and increasingly acceptable way of life. I don't like it.
- I don't like hatred, excess, abuse, or any so-called "necessary evil." Alas, I did not say I never engage in any of these. ;)
- It's hard to look out for my neighbor as myself when I spend most of my time looking out for myself. How often do I tell myself it's okay to take the shortcut, or break the rule, simply because it's the easy way out, and if I play the game right no one else will ever know or be harmed by it. But this is just playing the odds, and in the game of life I will on occasion lose. Add up all the "me"s in the world, and you've got a whole lot of gambling going on each day.
- As I maintain faith that there's always tomorrow, my todays--or those of my neighbors--may be getting suckier and suckier. And on a grand scale, lots of us putting off until tomorrow what we don't want to do today undoubtedly creates a to-do list that is unfinishable by mortal man. So I tell myself, "It's okay, someone else will take care of it," just so I can sleep at night.
- I am an unapologetically practical optimist.
- I wonder at what point the hope I hold out for tomorrow is just propping up my complacency today and contributing in a roundabout way to the suckiness I feel right now. Fear, isolation, anger. Wash, rinse, repeat.
- Sometimes I act selfishly because I believe it's for the best, but upon further reflection I realize it was just laziness. Like every other person on the planet, I struggle with gaps between intention and action, beliefs and practices.
- I adore and am uplifted by the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. I fantasize about incorporating his writings in a national curriculum for K-12 education. First, we need a national curriculum (and not just so-called standards).
- Have I mentioned that I believe the teaching of anger management principles to the population at large ought to be a major public health initiative? I think anger is a vastly under-discussed problem, and one whose negative consequences are far reaching. (It's a long read, but this is a great overview of the subject.)
- The average adult apparently does not get enough sleep to perform their best during the day. I know how cranky I am when I'm tired, and I know how my interactions with another sleep-deprived person go (aka not very well). And I know how much more manageable my day's chores seem after a good night's rest (if not enthusiastic, I am at least free of one excuse to avoid doing what I know I must). Hmm, is it possible that the treatment for many of society's ills is as simple as an enforced bedtime?
PS I'm feeling very Notes to Myself right now. It's a beautiful book about self reflection, relationships, acceptance, and forgiveness. I recommend it to everyone.
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