August 26, 2009

Good news

As an aside before I get to the point of my posting today...I think having a child has turned me mushy and sentimental. There are things I hear and see now that affect me far more than they ever did before. (Or more than I might ever have admitted.) News stories about missing or dying children--or this latest one about the discovery of skeletal infant remains--make my heart ache. (If you must, read the story on that last one over at CNN.)

Anyway, I thought this news story in the local paper today was simply too lovely not to share. Apparently a woman has helped raise over a thousand dollars for the area foodbank. The donations came about after she picked up a fellow shopper's tab, which eventually turned into a surfeit of cash (read the story for details) that instead of spending on herself she decided to donate, as did others who heard what she'd done. A nice story, yes?

And because I just thought this was funny (and it was baby related, which touches me these days, as noted previously), read here about how to automate the opening and closing of your computer's CD tray in order to rock a baby. But I don't recommend reading the comments (kind of unusual for me), because they're a downer (some people have no sense of humor or adventure).


tequilarista said...

Marie and I have noticed the same things -- can't watch any shows on TV were bad stuff happens to kids without getting ill, and we're loads more sensitive in general about the state of the world and how Kaylia will be subjected to things.

Guess it's better than being a heartless bastard...

Tyson Brown said...

Consider this a second anecdotal bit .. same thing happened to me. Though I've always been a _little_ sentimental, have G amp'd things up a bit.