May 01, 2008

Moving On

I've been struggling with moving on lately, letting go of things that occupy me (like the inefficiencies of the Stanford emergency room, but that's part of a story for another time). Sometimes not being able to let go is a bad thing (and in my case very annoying to David). But sometimes not wanting to let go is a natural thing, and quite reasonable.

David and I are finalizing our plans to move down to Los Gatos. Unpacking and settling into our newest home will be good, but the locale puts me a bit beyond easy driving range to get to my brother and his family. Soon I will have to say goodbye to my thrice-weekly Tae Kwon Do appointments with my nephew. I hope he looks back on our increased time together these past few months fondly. I know I will.


tequilarista said...

Hey, what happened to Redwood City?

Anonymous said...

aw. how cute is that picture!

Genos Turn said...
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Genos Turn said...

When Michael is kicking some poor kids a$$ in the 8th grade, he'll throw in a few comments like, "My auntie taught me that move", or "If you think I'm tough, you better stay away from Aunt Michelle". Muchas gracias hermana. You've created the foundation for my future bodyguard.