March 31, 2008

Meaningful tangents

One thing I enjoy in big election years is when interesting and discussion-worthy topics come to the fore, bringing opportunities for regular folks to educate themselves and engage in thoughtful conversations. Alas such topics tend to arise as part of something being taken out of context and blown up into a near-scandal for CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News to bandy about, and the discussions people have are too often focused on who's right, who's wrong, and other superficialities. Still, I like that the possibility of thoughtful discussion rises with intriguing pseudo-scandals.

Today just such an opportunity was explored beautifully from WHYY/NPR's Fresh Air. The program featured several speakers describing, explaining, and contextualizing black churches and the person at the center of the Barack Obama-Jeremiah Wright debate. Absolutely fascinating. The second speaker, Dwight Hopkins, was particularly thought provoking in his comments. I highly recommend listening to the broadcast all the way through (about 40 minutes, as I recall), or reading more about the program. (You can also listen to Fresh Air episodes for free as a podcast using iTunes.)

You might have noticed my Change Congress label in the sidebar. This is part of a campaign led by law professor/free culture advocate/concerned citizen Lawrence Lessig which I encourage you all to get to know, and is another example of something good happening this election year. Lessig considered and then declined possibility of running for Congress here in the Bay Area, but he is still very much interested in making that elective body a better functioning, less money/influence-distorted than it currently is. What an idea, huh? I love it! Anyway, Lessig always gives interesting speeches, most of which are shown or discussed on his blog. A great intro to Lessig's signature presentation style and an all around interesting talk given recently can be viewed and commented on here.

Now go forth and educate. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so you ADMIT you were gallivanting!!!! a-ha!!