September 19, 2007

Back to Beaumont

For my 200th post, I will redirect you to Virginia's blog to read about our adventures in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park. That's right, after a full day of school/work and even waiting until after dinner we drove 90 miles--each way--to Beaumont, Texas mere days after the city was hit by an unexpected hurricane to go to a cemetery. Oooh, a cemetery at night. If that doesn't encourage your reading on, how about these tidbits?
  1. We were pulled over not once but twice by police ("But officer, we're not doing anything illegal").
  2. I saw a lot of cockroaches.
  3. I sort of cursed Jesus. His wasn't the life-size statue we were seeking in the dark of night, but from a distance we couldn't tell that.
  4. We never located the gravesite we were looking for (the desire to see this started with a Beaumont journalist's blog postings I read earlier this year).
  5. We passed through Babyland and lived to tell the tale.
If that doesn't motivate you, I don't know what will.

We called my brother afterwards, still on our mad adventure high, and I was counting on him singing "No more scooter rides in the cemetery...", but he didn't. A missed opportunity indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot to include the pictures from the inside of my purse...aka, Cemetary after Dark! :)