Anyway, it would seem there are a lot of people like me, and relief is offered us useless bloggers in the form of memes. Memes in blog-world are writing prompts, usually a list of questions or statements on a topic that writers can fill in and post. Often these are posted according to a schedule (such as Thursday Thirteen), and users link back to a common blog that allows others utilizing the same meme to read each others' postings. It's all a nice online community endeavor. (Oddly, the meme movement has brought about countless blog postings to explain memes, such as this one. How very "meta".)
Okay, as I said, I want to post interesting stuff, and memes seemed a good idea, but I've come very late to the game and there are only so many interesting topics out there. Apparently most have been used up already. Take the following example (I won't post link, because someone expended effort to post these ideas and I don't wish to denigrate their enthusiasm). But really, do you even care that I reply to these questions?
- How many times do you wake up during the night?
- On an average, how many hours of sleep do you try to get?
- What day of the week do you do your "major" housecleaning?
- How often do you move your furniture to clean behind it?
- Do you do your dishes by hand or do you own a dishwasher?
Looking back on this past week what was...
- The best meal you had? Cinn-a-stack french toast at IHOP with a cup of hot tea. It didn't ask what was the best meal for me.
- The highlight for you? I found a posted job opening in Bay Area that looks interesting and for which I am qualified right now.
- The lowlight? Not much low, really, because though I've been tired and sore from hauling stuff and loading moving truck and trying to reconcile school and work stuff in spare time, it's been a productive time. So maybe the lowlight was when I opened door to apartment a few hours ago and felt a desperate desire to go to bed and not get up for days. The desire for lingering rest seemed utterly unfulfillable in that moment.
- Your latest night? About 1am, maybe much later. David and I couldn't get to sleep after I picked up his dad from airport and we finished loading truck. I had the giggles and was excited by camping out in living room.
- Did you see any movies last week? If so, how would you rate them on a scale of 1-10? While camping out the previous night we watched The Da Vinci Code on dvd. It was much much better than I expected it would be. I'd give it an 8. I especially liked the overlays of historic scenes and the succinct background explanations created for movie from book.
1 comment:
Hello Memer! :) I still haven't read that damn DaVinci code book! I feel I should read it first for some you have it to borrow? Oh, that's right...if you did it's probably packed up now. Hee!
And I ALWAYS find your blog interesting! :)
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