August 24, 2006


"It's like an amicable divorce," he said. "The legal status has changed but the person really hasn't. It's just single again."

The IAU made it official. The news of Pluto's demotion from planetary status has deeply saddened me. Indeed I am in deep denial. I shall refuse all access to my old reference books or science texts for fear that someone will cross out the 9 and put an 8. [Okay, not that anyone is clamoring for access.] Next thing you know, we'll be reading about how the entering freshman class has never known anything but 8 planets. Sigh.

Pluto, 1930-2006
This enigmatic orbital oddity died this week at the age of 76. Address condolences to International Astronomical Union. Donations in lieu of flowers to neighborhood stargazing group.

Farewell, Pluto. I hardly knew ya, but you seemed like a nice planet. Rest in peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was mad about this too! Damn astrologers--what do they know?! :) How can they just change their minds about something that was ingrained in us from wee youngins?!?!