July 07, 2006


David dismantled and brought my lovely L-shaped desk from house to apartment then "remantled" it (that was our rockin 4th of July). I also brought a storage rack to place my single sized pots and pans on (they've been stored stovetop these last 2 years). A few months back David brought the heretofore-guest bed and out came the futon from the depths of the bedroom to function once again as a sofa. Now that the apartment is full of furniture it feels so homey and not scholarly spartan anymore (a mixed blessing). We planned it so that expendable items would be in the apartment while the house retained those items which we would ship to CA (I see our past basement in our future). Now that these expendable furnishings are all arranged in the apartment I don't want to give them up. What if no one wants to buy our futon? And the old Ikea stereo and TV stands, will someone else see their beautiful utility? The bed is barely used as far as beds go. And maybe other single apartment dwellers have use for one cheap white Ikea bar stool, dining chair, and little piano stool. And what about the bookcase that my dad built when I was like 5 (he's undoubtedly forgotten, but I haven't)? It's been painted so many times the outside layer never really set properly. What if no one will take these things? Once the truck heads to CA, all will be stranded in Houston, given away or sold or trashed. David would give in and let me tow a UHaul trailer behind us if I asked, but maybe I need to let these items go. For a Buddhist, I have awfully strong materialist tendencies. Letting go is good, letting go is good, letting go is good....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, Buddhist! :) I'll take that comfy squashy chair off your hands! :) Or maybe its sofa counterpart!