Bumper sticker spotted in Houston yesterday made me simultaneously laugh and cringe: Republicans for Voldemort.
Apparently it's an old joke and I missed it. The original comic strip that inspired subsequent stickers and t-shirts actually isn't all that funny. The counterpart at the time was Muggles for Dean. So, who won?
And on an entirely different subject (though I came across it during my investigation into above--I'll let you discover the connection), I found what right now is my favorite avatar (the little picture someone uses to represent them in blogs and chats). It's for some guy named Will. Let the thing run its course. [UPDATE: Sorry, folks, if you are just now coming across this posting. The guy's avatar has changed. It's still fun, but not as fun.]
And while I was in LiveJournal-land, where I actually have another blog (sort of), I made a post. It's pretty amusing, so check it out.
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