September 24, 2005


I am thankful that catastrophe has been avoided.

Brunt of weakened Hurricane Rita went east and eliminated dangerous surge into our area. Actually, the flooding in Beaumont does not appear to be as bad as regular heavy-rain flooding we've experienced several times in last two years.

National news is crazy. The reporters in studio and on scene are passing on half truths, making huge stories out of isolated incidents, and contributing to atmosphere of fear. There's a casino in Beaumont? Hello? "But don't go away, there's more!" Wolf Blitzer has fallen far from his First Gulf War glory days.

Hanging out in a hotel room is not very interesting. Normally I love nesting in a new place. Current feelings might have something to do with the fact that this stay was unplanned, fell in middle of a busy semester, and put us in a city we never intended on visiting. Truth be told, we're bored and aware of work that awaits us when normalcy returns. Will I sleep better tonight?

I would like to go see a movie but did not bring a jacket or any warm enough clothes to sit in an air conditioned movie theater. The cooler-warmer switch on our room temperature control (pointed at warmer) has condensation.

Our poor helpless Timminy Tivo is without power and hidden behind a protective blanket. I miss it.

I have a desire to laugh.

Clearly, my problems are few.

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