June 13, 2005


It's that time of year again--people are procreating. All these people who I know or have long known are having babies. Unfortunately, there seems little likelihood of my seeing most of these children (or their beloved parents, for that matter) beyond their diaper years. This might be cynical or pessimistic. I prefer to think of it as rather pathetically realistic. (I'm the pathetic one in this scenario, by the way.)

I say that not because I don't want to see any of them. I love to spend time with my friends, especially in day-to-day life sorts of things. I would love to get to know the offspring of their unique selves. My options for this relationship, however, are rather limited. I think parents feel bad about foisting their child-centered world on child-free people. Add to that the fact that I'm not really a part of most of my friends' day-to-day lives. I'm not religious so godparenting is out. I live in a part of the country where no one is likely to want to visit. I don't get to the coasts all that often and such visits are always rushed. Not to mention the fact that all of these people have plenty of other interests besides me. And my friends probably assume (from a rather well crafted front of myself that I've publicly perpetuated for some time) I might wish nothing to do with children, including theirs. I love kids. For goodness sake, I was a teacher! (Okay, I realize that does not always positively correlate to loving children. Okay, I don't rush over to babies, gaga-ing or pleading to hold them, but I don't think that makes me a baby hater.)

Anyway, the point is, I'd like to assure all friends out there who are procreating that I am more than happy to visit a household with screaming children and listen to tales of junior's traumas and accolades. And in case this hasn't sunk in yet, I actually mean what I say and vice-versa.

1 comment:

Running2Ks said...

Know what is great about childless friends who like/don't mind kids? We WANT to hang with you! We want a Mom's nite out with you. We want an extra set of hands in the mall.