March 23, 2006


Help! My name has been stolen! I've long operated under some delusional assumption that my name was unique. That's right, there is another ME out there. I had previously seen her name show up, but hyphenated, so not really ME. A recent Google of my name however showed her to have dropped the hyphen. This is a sad day for me (nee ME).

March 11, 2006


Reports of snow back in the Bay Area, long periods of dry weather in Houston, and an utter lack of desire to eat Egg Beaters for breakfast. This is a crazy time for me. Luckily I embark on a spring break adventure next week. Woo hoo! Alas I just recalled the last--and only--time I ventured off on a spring break adventure before. It must have been 1991 and it involved a sailboat, very poor weather, and one contagiously vomiting infant. Thus I clarify...I embark next week on a fabulous spring break vacation.

We've heard news of some chocolate lab-English springer spaniel puppies available in the area. David and I might go view them with the idea of taking one. Fortunately, for this is the most important prep work, I've got a name all picked out--Cadbury. Do you get it? And since I was in a naming mood, I gave the whining ceiling fan in the bedroom the moniker Hiram. Do you get that one too?